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TAG / Tech America Spirit Of Endeavor Awards 2011

Live Interviews From The 9th Annual Spirit Of Endeavor Awards Banquet presented by TechAmerica Georgia and Technology Association Of Georgia.

TechAmerica is the leading voice for the U.S. technology industry, and a driving force behind productivity and job creation in the United States. The organization was formed by the merger of AeA, ITAA, GEIA and the Cyber Security Industry Alliance. TechAmerica helps to build the foundation to foster a global innovation economy. Representing approximately 1,200 member companies of all sizes from the public and commercial sectors of the economy, it is the industry’s largest advocacy organization and is dedicated to helping members’ top and bottom lines.

TechAmerica recently partnered with the Technology Association of Georgia to enhance benefits and offer national reach with local intimacy. Together, we optimize member benefits.


9th Annual Spirit Of Endeavor Awards Banquet 12/9/11 by BusinessRadioX

Broadcasting LIVE From Atlanta Zoo: TEDx Peachtree 2011

We were on-site to broadcast live from TEDx Peachtree 2011, held at the Atlanta Zoo on Friday November 4th.

In the spirit of “ideas worth spreading”, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience.  At the TEDx Peachtree event, TED Talks video and live speakers combined to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group.

Between sessions, our BRX radio hosts interterviewed presenters, organizers, sponsors and many attendees to this very exciting and unique event.  Check out what they had to say:


TEDx Peachtree 11/4/11 RadioX by BusinessRadioX